Woodstock Locksmith Services
When you find yourself needing a locksmith in Woodstock, it is usually at the worst time. We try to make the experience as positive as possible. We will confirm appointments and keep you informed of our arrival time. It helps knowing that someone is actually on the way and you don’t have to keep calling other companies.
We all need our car and when we lose that key it is usually at home. When we have to pick the kids up from school, we don’t have time to keep looking for the key. Call us and we will come make a new one and when you do find that lost key, it will become the spare key we never quite remember to make.

Call AM PM Locksmith today
If you are locked out of your car, home or business we are your best choice. Our locksmiths will go over the latest products and help you figure out how to best meet your need(s). Give us a call if you have questions!
We install all types of security hardware for your home and business. Sliding glass door and exterior locks and latches. Convenient and beautiful keyless locks too. Store front and exit hardware specialists.
- Laser Car Keys
- Exit Hardware
- House Lockouts
- Install Deadbolts
- Fix Ignitions
- Repair Locks
- New Car Keys
- Auto Lockouts
- Key Control Systems
- High Security
- Room Lockouts
- Key Programming
- Buzzer Locks
- Keypad Locks
- Lock Rekeys